The Deep Love of Jesus: All I Need and Trust


deep love sovereign grace, deep love, oh the deep deep love, deep deep love, deep love of Jesus, deep deep love of Jesus, love of God, bring your brokennessThere's a beautiful song entitled, "Oh the Deep, Deep Love," written by Samuel Trevor Francis and Bob Kauflin. The music is so worshipful. The words are simply gorgeous. It compares the love of Jesus to an ocean. The lyrics of the song made the reality of God's love for me clear in a fresh, new way, and it seems appropriate to write about it.I went down to the beach near my house this morning to listen to the song as I looked over the ocean. I really don't know how to put into words the peace and comfort that washed over me as I meditated on the meaning of each phrase while looking out over the expanse of water and feeling it against my ankles as the boundless waves rolled in and out.

Oh the deep, deep love of JesusVast, unmeasured, boundless, freeRolling as a mighty oceanIn its fullness over meUnderneath me, all around meIs the current of Your loveLeading onward, leading homewardTo Your glorious rest above

Circling back to where I began with this post, "life" right now for us is pretty overwhelming. It feels as if we ARE at the beach, in the ocean with a super strong current. We get pulled under; we stand back up; we get half a breath of air and get pulled under again as the waves of life crash over our heads. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.I think we've all experienced that. It's exhausting. It's scary. It's a whole lot of uncomfortable things.I thought about the powerful force of that mighty ocean and about walking out into it. In just that one small space where I stood, it would be strong enough to knock me off of my feet, and its current could pull me to the bottom and out to its depths. And that's just the power right there in those few square feet, much less the ocean as a whole.Its power is evidenced in the devastation it brings when it comes on shore. It is boundless. It is measureless. No man can establish its borders or control it. But the Bible tells us that even the wind and the waves obey Him (Matt. 8:41, Mark 4:41, Luke 8:25). What a beautiful picture of the powerful love He has for us and the strength of His pursuit.It is said that the depth of the ocean is over 36,000 feet. That's almost 7 miles! The Grand Canyon is only a little over a mile deep. I seriously can't imagine looking over an edge that stands against 7 miles of nothing. When I think about the width of the ocean being over 3,700 miles, I am even more astonished. And the love of God exceeds even THAT! Wow. The deep, deep love Jesus has for me is that powerful, that boundless, that vast, that free.I remember as a young girl laying on the ocean's edge and letting the waves rush in and sweep over my body, lifting me up off the sand. I remember being amazed at the power of the current that could literally pick me up and pull my body back with the waves. When I consider His love washing over me in that way with all of its depth and intensity, it is overwhelming. Underneath me, on top of me, encompassing me, and all the while pulling me towards Him and eternity (Jude 1:21)."And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." (Ephesians 3:17-18 NIV)

Oh the deep, deep love of JesusSpread His praise from shore to shoreHow He came to pay our ransomThrough the saving cross He boreHow He watches o’er His loved onesThose He died to make His ownHow for them He’s intercedingPleading now before the throne

How can we be silent? When we consider the price He paid for our sins, we must shout our praise to Him and tell of His love for us everywhere we go (Psalm 96:3, Psalm 28:7). To know that He was born to die because of His love for me (Hebrews 10:5-7) - there's no way my praise for Him could ever be complete.I think the last part of this verse is my favorite. You see, some of Jesus' loved ones are my dearest loved ones. To consider this depth of love He has for them and to know He is watching over them is priceless and brings such comfort. He died because of that love for them (John 3:16), and they are never out of His sight (Matthew 10:29-31).I know many of you can relate to that feeling I have as I watch my husband and children walk away from me each morning to primary school, elementary school, high school, and into the adult world and workforce. My fears and anxieties may present differently for each one, but they are very real and equally debilitating. What peace and strength it brings to remember the vastness and depth of His love for them as they walk out of my sight but remain in His. To know that nothing can ever separate them from that love. No group of friends, no person, no experience, no choice, no matter where they are or what they're doing - NOTHING can separate them from His love and watched care (Romans 8:38-39).And beyond that, He is interceding and pleading for them! (Hebrews 7:35, Romans 8:34) Yes, I am praying fervently over them. And there's great power in our prayers. Sometimes in our humanity it seems as though that's not enough. We don't know what to pray.How amazing is it that even while holding the universe in His hands, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords would pray for me and my loved ones?! The visual picture of Him doing just that, especially when I can't be with them and in seasons of difficulty, feels like a warm compress on my aching heart. And to focus on that rather than the futility of trying to fix things on my own is so relieving. Goodness!!"Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words." (Romans 8:26 ESV)

Oh the deep, deep love of JesusFar surpassing all the restIt’s an ocean full of blessingIn the midst of every testOh the deep, deep love of JesusMighty Savior, precious FriendYou will bring us home to gloryWhere Your love will never end

I am humbled and blessed by the love I receive from many people here on this earth. It's far beyond anything I deserve. I'm grateful for it. Don't know how I'd live without it. Wouldn't trade it for anything.As amazing as it is, it's not perfect. It can't be, as a result of the fallen world we live in. Neither is the love I give. It will eventually let down, disappoint, hurt, and confuse.But unlike my imperfect love, that deep, deep love of Jesus we've been trying to wrap our minds around is absolutely perfect (I John 4:18-19). Even though I'm loved in such a big way here on earth, His love surpasses all of it. And it's for ME. It's for YOU. It's relentless. It's unconditional. It never gives up or lets go. It has no end (I Corinthians 13).As we consider that massive expanse of the ocean again, we can compare it to the blessings of His love in the middle of life's difficulties. In His sovereignty, He's allowed the trials (James 1:1-13, Romans 2:2-5) - the eating disorder, conflict, family issues, uncertainty, instability, health, etc. - but then there's the ocean of His deep love and all that it means surrounding us. We can't see the end of His love, no matter what we face, and what a blessing it is (II Corinthians 9:15).  And it's a comfort (Zephaniah 3:17). It's something we can hold onto to keep afloat (Psalm 86:15). We cling to it because it is our hope (Isaiah 40:31). God IS love (I John 4:8).This is the love of the almighty Savior of this world who holds all power in His hands and the love of a precious Friend who will sit beside me on the darkest of days and collect my tears as they fall in the same Person (II Chronicles 20:6, John 15:15, Psalm 56:8). Oh what love He has for me.It's been proven that when you suppress difficult feelings and emotions, you suppress the positive ones as well. I think that's part of what I'm experiencing as I think about the deep, deep love of Jesus. As I'm learning to sit with difficult feelings, the positive feelings are becoming so much more clear, bright, sharp, deep, and often overwhelming. And that's the way I'm feeling about the love of Jesus for me.But in addition to that, I believe with all my heart that I'm overwhelmed simply because of its very nature. Because of the fierce complexity and marvel of His perfect love for me. I'll never be able to fully understand it. It should always be astounding for me to consider. It's not something that I should ever get over.I think the chorus of the song summarizes it beautifully and reinforces truth.

Oh the deep, deep loveAll I need and trustIs the deep, deep love of Jesus

The deep love of Jesus - no, I don't understand it or deserve it, but I've seen it evidenced in my life over and over, and I'm so grateful it's for me. It's all I need. It's all I want to trust. The deep, deep love of Jesus.If you've not already, please take a moment to close your eyes and listen to "Oh the Deep, Deep Love." Let its biblical truths sink deep into your heart and breathe deeply as the reality of His love washes over you. 


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