What’s Your Role?

Do you ever wonder about what part you play in the recovery journey of an eating disorder? Eating disorders are serious and complex mental health conditions that require a multifaceted approach to treatment and recovery. Everyone involved in the care process plays a critical role in supporting the person struggling with an eating disorder.

Role and Importance:

The individual with the eating disorder, often referred to as the "fighter," is the central figure in the recovery process. They face daily challenges in their battle against disordered thoughts and behaviors related to food and body image.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Acknowledgment and Acceptance: Recognizing the problem and being open to receiving help is the first crucial step toward recovery.

  • Active Participation: Trusting the process - following the treatment plan, attending all recovery sessions and appointments (nutrition, psychotherapy, PCP, psychiatry, etc.), and adhering to nutritional guidelines are essential for progress.

  • Grace: Learning to be patient with yourself and extend grace, understanding that recovery is a long and hard journey with ups and downs.

To learn more about how Bring Your Brokenness can support the fighter, click below.

Role and Importance:

Supporters are the backbone of emotional and practical support for the fighter. Their unwavering encouragement and understanding are pivotal in the recovery journey.


Key Responsibilities:

  • Emotional Support: Offering a listening ear, showing empathy, and avoiding judgment are essential. Emotional support helps reduce feelings of isolation and shame.

  • Positive Environment: Creating a supportive home or social environment that promotes positive experiences around food and body image.

  • Education and Awareness: Understanding the nature of eating disorders and the recovery process enables supporters to offer informed and effective assistance. Withhold comments about your own body, the bodies of others, and your own opinions about food and nutrition.

    To learn more about how Bring Your Brokenness can support the supporter, click below.

Role and Importance:

The medical team, including but not limited to primary care physicians, registered nurses, and psychiatrists, ensures that the physical health of the fighter is closely monitored and managed. The collaboration of care is extremely important across all providers in the recovery journey.


Key Responsibilities:

  • Medical Monitoring: Conducting regular health check-ups to monitor labs, vital signs, weight, and overall health.

  • Medication Management: Prescribing and managing medications that may be needed for co-occurring conditions like depression, anxiety, or obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Role and Importance:

A registered dietitian specializes in nutrition and plays a vital role in the physical aspect of recovery. They develop individualized meal plans that ensure the fighter receives the necessary nutrients to restore physical health and well-being.


Key Responsibilities:

  • Nutritional Assessment: Conducting thorough assessments to identify nutritional deficiencies and developing tailored meal plans.

  • Education: Teaching the fighter about balanced nutrition, the importance of various food groups, and how to develop a healthy relationship with food.

  • Support and Monitoring: Regularly monitoring progress and making necessary adjustments to meal plans, while providing ongoing support and encouragement.

To learn more about Nutrition Support through Bring Your Brokenness, click below.

Role and Importance:

Therapists address the psychological and emotional aspects of eating disorders. They help the fighter understand the underlying issues and develop healthier coping mechanisms.


Key Responsibilities:

  • Therapeutic Interventions: Utilizing evidence-based therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Family-Based Therapy (FBT), and/or other treatment modalities to address disordered thoughts and behaviors.

  • Emotional Support: Providing a safe space for the fighter to express their feelings, fears, and struggles, helping them work through these emotions constructively.

  • Skill Development: Teaching coping strategies, stress management techniques, and tools for building self-esteem and body acceptance.

To learn more about our Mental Health Therapists through Bring Your Brokenness, click below.

Role and Importance:

Support groups and peer support provide a sense of community and shared understanding. They offer a space for individuals to share experiences, gain encouragement, and feel less isolated.


Key Responsibilities:

  • Community Building: Creating a sense of belonging and reducing feelings of isolation by connecting with others who have similar experiences.

  • Shared Wisdom: Exchanging advice, coping strategies, and support among peers.

  • Encouragement: Providing ongoing motivation and support throughout the recovery process.

If you are looking for support and community, click below.

Each role within the support system for someone struggling with an eating disorder is vital. It requires a team that fully believes that recovery is possible. Our desire is to create a safe environment for those with eating disorders to find hope and healing for life transformation through God’s Word.

Will you consider giving to the life-changing work that Bring Your Brokenness continues to do for those struggling with eating disorders? Because of your gift, we can provide a safe and loving environment for those with eating disorders to find hope and healing for life transformation through God’s Word.


A Day in the Mind of Someone with an Eating Disorder


Eating Disorders: What They Are Really About