
Dear Supporter,

Thank you.

If it weren’t for the friends and family in my life who took on the role of supporter while I walked through recovery, I would not have made it. The role you play is vital in your loved one’s life. Let us support you.

Can We Pray for You?

We have a team of prayer warriors wanting to lift you up! Please let us know how we can pray specifically for you as a supporter!


Education is key to supporting your loved one throughout their recovery. Below are a few resources we recommend.

Additional Resources

Upcoming events

  • Lives Restoried Gala

    Friday, September 20, 2024

    Join us for an unforgettable evening of fabulous food and fellowship, spectacular talent, incredible testimonies, and more. All proceeds go directly to support the miracles happening at Charis as we assist those in need of life-saving eating disorder treatment.

  • Recovery Retreat

    SAVE THE DATE: November 2024

    Eating disorders – some have called them the hardest battle any human could face, and we agree. They are hard for those in the fight, and they are hard on the friends and family members caring for the fighter. Both need support. Both are hurting in their own ways. Both need reminders of truth. And both need a moment to breathe and just be.

  • Future Support Group

    Coming Soon!

    Are you interested in joining a Support Group for YOU? This group will be for Supporters who are walking alongside their friend, spouse, child, or family member who is fighting an eating disorder.